#eras tour sp 3
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lastchristmas · 1 year ago
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please promise me this, that you'll stand by me forever...
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year ago
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“do the girls back home touch you like i do?” TAYLOR
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always-rolling-my-eyes · 1 year ago
At least we didn’t clown alone 😂
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torturedpoetdeptchair · 1 year ago
But baby, IVE GOT ME
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folkhoax · 1 year ago
Ana Benevide's family was invited for today's concert!!! That means something happenned behind the curtains, and that's great. That was all we needed to know.
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year ago
this goes esp well with now that we don’t talk. i see the connection connectioning
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pynkchampagne · 1 year ago
đŸ–€đŸ§ĄLestober Day 2: Your Les Wishlist (e.g. merch, physical media, wine, etc.)
1- 1000% Purple Pachyderm. Need the wine. I dream of the wine. All of it 😂 (My friend said if she went to Louisiana to visit family she’d drive it back to Texas if I ordered it to her house, so here’s hoping that’s my in. đŸ€žđŸ€ž)
2- Need to figure out where this came from so I can order this magazine. âŹ‡ïž
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3- Every CD. From all 9 collaborations. (I’ve been trolling around local CD stores and second hand places, but they either have nothing or Pork Soda, and I have Pork Soda 😭 And I don’t want to order it all online because it’s gonna be like $120 plus shipping I’m sure
 these will fill my birthday and Christmas lists till my collection is complete lol)
4- Now that I’m thinking about it, I got the SP concert poster that had the boys on it, but now it would be really cool to have the SP!Les one đŸ„č
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5- This Primus shirt âŹ‡ïž (for reasons
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6- Also most of the Desaturating Seven era/Ambushing the Storm tour posters, because look at them 😍🌈🌈
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7- I still need Hallucino-Genetics and Electric Apricot DVDs, then I think I’d have a compete set
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Tues[day] 16 September 1834
7 25/..
12 1/4
very good one last night – fine b[u]t hazy morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 57 1/4° at 8 35/.. a.m. – at my desk at 8 1/2 –
Kind let[ter] to M- [Mariana] gl[a]d she h[a]d found but by means ov[e]r w[hi]ch I h[a]d no control th[a]t ‘I h[a]d writ[ten] even less
‘oft[ene]r to th[o]se who are perpet[uall]y heap[in]g up[on] me kind[ne]ss aft[e]r kind[ne]ss, and whose ver[y] situat[io]n in life ma[ke]s
‘th[e]m suppos[e]d to be the 1st obj[ec]ts of my consid[eratio]n’ - 
 if ‘n[o]t mo[re] heart, I h[a]d comm[o]n sense th[a]n
‘to val[ue] the th[in]gs of th[i]s world accord[in]g to the scale w[hi]ch h[a]s been laid d[o]wn for me – H[a]d you bel[ieve]d me
‘oft[ene]r, and kn[o]wn me bet[ter], it w[oul]d ha[ve] sav[e]d us b[o]th m[u]ch pain – B[u]t if heav[e]n h[a]s will[e]d it oth[er]wise,
‘let us n[o]t compl[ai]n – the fin[a]l ruler of ev[en]ts is wiser th[a]n we – I am deep[l]y sensib[le] of all
‘y[ou]r affect[io]n; b[u]t, fr[om] the mom[en]t of y[ou]r hav[in]g delib[eratel]y told me y[ou]r determinat[io]n, and the lead[in]g argum[en]ts
‘w[hi]ch ga[ve] rise to it, my chief endeav[ou]r w[a]s to be convinc[e]d and reconcil[e]d – Mary! you trust[e]d me
‘too lit[tle] for happ[ine]ss – Rem[em[b[e]r th[i]s, and be comfort[e]d – cheer up – trust me, you ha[ve] m[u]ch to hope –
‘m[u]ch mo[re] th[a]n you seem aware – the prosp[ec]t will bright[e]r by and by – I ha[ve] nev[e]r fail[in]g consol[atio]n
‘or the th[ou]ght, th[a]t you will be happ[ie]r in oth[e]rs, th[a]n you c[oul]d ha[ve] been in me – confide[en]ce w[a]s
‘too m[u]ch shak[e]n on b[o]th sides – Mary! the last blow on mine, w[a]s too severe – Be
‘comfort[e]d – be assur[e]d, th[a]t you ha[ve] act[e]d wise[l]y for us b[o]th – viol[en]t changes are gen[erall]y irksome
‘to all p[ar]ties at 1st; b[u]t, rememb[erin]g wh[a]t I mys[elf] ha[ve] suffer[e]d, I do n[o]t eas[il]y desp[ai]r for anyone –
‘I do n[o]t feel inclin[e]d to say m[u]ch on the subj[ec]t of our meet[in]g – the reflect[io]ns to w[hi]ch it w[oul]d gi[ve]
‘rise, c[oul]d on[l]y be painful – Do as you th[in]k best’ – Hope ‘h[e]r niece’ will exceed h[e]r
all h[e]r expectat[io]ns – ‘I can eas[il]y ent[e]r int[o] y[ou]r motive for call[in]g h[e]r Percy’ – pleas[e]d at the th[ou]ght
of h[e]r go[in]g to the Rhine next y[ea]r – on[l]y anx[iou]s ab[ou]t h[e]r choice of a compan[io]n – ment[io]n Geneva as a
fine town ‘hav[in]g man[y] lit[erar]y and econom[i]c advent[age]s’ and th[a]t a fam[il]y of 2 or 3 might live in
affl[ue]nce at Rolle for £250 a y[ea]r – date the latt[e]r 1/2 p[age] 3,  Mon[day] 15 Sept[embe]r and say it shall go [as] last
might, the herald of the sm[all] parc[e]l (stays, 6 laces, p[ai]r of Earrings fr[om] Geneva and b[oo]k, Coxes’
pict[ure] of It[al]y borr[owe]d edit[io]n of 1815, too old when last at Lawton Dec[embe]r 1833) to be s[e]nt off by me of today’s mails –
‘I f[ou]nd my a[un]t m[u]ch the sa[me] as I left h[e]r, and Mr. Sund[erlan]d told me, he th[ou]ght her gen[era]l health qui[te]
‘as good - b[u]t she is uncert[ai]n - th[i]s seas[o]n of th[e] y[ea]r, or rath[e]r lat[e]r, h[a]s gen[erall]y tir[e]d h[e]r ver[y] m[u]ch
‘and I fear, if she gets ov[e]r the wint[e]r at all, it will be ver[y] indiffer[entl]y – she suffers a
‘gr[ea]t deal, yet her cheerful[ne]ss does n[o]t forsake her – She desires me to gi[ve] her love, and say
‘how gl[a]d she shall be to hear you are bet[ter] – the 30 shil[lin]gs for Th[oma]s Beech’s gr[ea]tcoat
‘are p[ai]d, and I will pl[a]ce th[i]s sum to y[ou]r acc[oun]t – If you do n[o]t feel qui[te] sure of my und[er]-
‘-stand[in]g all y[ou]r wishes ab[ou]t mon[e]y matt[e]rs, tell me mo[re] partic[ularl]y wh[a]t you w[oul]d ha[ve] me
‘do - G[o]d bless you, my d[eare]st Mary! Ever ver[y] espec[iall]y y[ou]rs AL- [Anne Lister] – nice en[ou]gh let[ter] to
L[ad]y S- [Stuart] will consid[e]r ab[ou]t the fourgon ‘when I am mo[re] ab[le] to fix up[on] my next line of route’ – ‘I am perf[ectl]y astonish[e]d th[a]t I h[a]d y[ou]r let[ter] 12 days ago, and th[a]t I h[a]d been at ho[me] a fortn[i]ght
‘on Sat[urday] – I kno[w] n[o]t how the ti[me] h[a]s slipp[e]d away – I ha[ve] been so busy ab[ou]t my law-concern,
‘etc. etc. the days ha[ve] seem[e]d like mom[en]ts; and I ha[ve] s[in]ce been out of the h[ou]se – yet I ha[ve] oft[e]n
‘th[ou]ght of you, and wond[ere] how you w[oul]d set[tle] all th[]se disag[reablenes]s I w[a]s so griev[e]d to hear of

ment[io]n let[ter] fr[om] Vere – shall go and see h[e]r one of th[e]se days – at pres[en]t can ma[ke] no plans –
‘my poor aunt suffers a martyrdom; yet still she lives, and may live for sev[era]l m[on]ths –
‘It is a gr[ea]t comf[or]t to me to see h[e]r so pleas[e]d at my hav[in]g g[o]t a lit[tle] fr[ie]nd to ta[ke] ca[re] of me
‘in my trav[e]ls – I hope you will tell Miss Tate - B[u]t, d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, it w[a]s wh[a]t you s[ai]d th[a]t I ha[ve]
‘nev[e]r forgott[e]n; and it is you th[a]t I shall alw[a]ys th[in]k of, and thank w[i]t hall my heart –
wr[ote] th[i]s morn[in]g und[e]r the seal – ‘I do hope to hear fr[om] you soon, if it be only one line to tell
‘me you are bet[ter], and ha[ve] settl[e]d th[in]gs mo[re] comf[ortabl]y th[a]n you expect[e]d – Do n[o]t troub[le] y[ou]rs[elf] one
‘inst[an]t ab[ou]t a frank – I shall be delight[e]d to see a Norfolk postmark – I shall troub[le]
‘L[or]d St[uar]t w[i]th a note to L[ad]y St[uar]t de R- [Rothesay] and a lit[tle] no[te] to d[ea]r Charlotte ab[ou]t the parc[e]l fr[om]
‘Paris - Ev[e]r, d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’ - Gen[era]l acc[oun]t of my journ[e]y to
L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay] hop[e]d for so[me] comm[issio]n in Paris - perh[aps] she doubt[e]d my abil[itie]s - c[oul]d n[o]t doubt how
hap[py] I sh[oul]d ha[ve] been to do my best – ‘I h[a]d a lit[tle] fr[ien]d w[i]th me wh[o]se good care soon set me
‘ab[ov]e Mr. Freeman’s medicines; and we h[a]d so[me] delightful wander[in]gs am[on]g the Savoy m[oun]t[ai]ns – I do
confess th[a]t my ‘bowels yearned’ tow[ar]ds M[on]t Blanc; b[u]t he w[a]s a lit[tle] surly, and the 2 Savoy and
‘avocats who attempt[e]d his summ[i]t, and s[ai]d, tho’ unbeliev[e]d by any, they reach[e]d it, were
‘gl[a]d en[ou]gh to get d[o]wn ag[ai]n – they h[a]d no reg[ula]r guides, on[l]y 1/2 a doz[en] peasants, two of wh[o]m
‘h[a]d made the ascent bef[ore] – and, h[a]d they been a few h[ou]rs lat[e]r, w[oul]d prob[abl]y ha[ve] been lost –
‘we made wh[a]t is call[e]d the gr[a]nd tour of M[on]t Bl[an]c’ 
.. cross[e]d the Gr[ea]t and lit[tle] S[ain]y Bernard

we h[a]d no  Gollis-work – the lit[tle] Inns ver[y] fair[l]y comf[orta]ble ‘exc[ept] one in the vil[lage] de Ferret
‘where th[e]re were on[l]y 2 bedr[oo]ms for the wid[ow] and h[e]r 8 child[re]n. one manserv[an]t and 2 guides, our 2
‘selves, and 2 sick inf[an]ts the poor wom[a]n h[a]d tak[e]n to nurse, tout compris, at 6 fr[an]cs each
‘p[e]r m[ou]th – we ret[urne]d by the Savoy lakes and Chamberi – saw the pass of the Echelles, and the gr[a]nde
‘Chartreuse - sp[en]t 2 or 3 days at Lyons – tho’ man[y] of the h[ou]ses damaged or destr[oye]d in Apr[il] are
‘alread[y] repair[e]d or rebuilt, th[e]re are still too man[y] traces of the Ă©mente - Sev[era]l opul[en]t  
‘manufact[orie]s ha[ve] left the town, and set up th[ei]r establ[ishmen]ts elsewhere - th[e]re are 3 large ones just complet[e]d
‘at Voiron now communicat[e]d w[i]th Echelles by a fine new r[oa]d of 3 posts - th[e]re are sev[era]l new
‘r[oa]ds finish[e]d and in prog[ress] - th[a]t by S[ain]t Etienne io[ene]d 2 y[ea]rs ago (miss[in]g Lyons) saves 3 days’ journey to
‘Marseilles’ – 2 or 3 days at S[ain]t Etienne and 2 or 3 at Clerm[on]t – ‘the view fr[om] the Puy de Dome,
‘is one of the m[o]st interest[in]g and extraord[inar]y I ha[ve] ev[e]r seen. – a vast assembl[a]ge of cones of extinct
‘volca[noe]s – a vast coulĂ©e (sea) of lava - b[u]t the heat w[a]s so excess[ive] in walk[in]g up, and the air
‘is cold at the top, I on[l]y st[ai]d ab[ou]t 1/2 an h[ou]r – Do tell the girls, they nev[e]r saw s[u]ch a dirty fig[ure]
‘as I w[a]s on com[in]g out of the fine silv[e]r mines (op[ene]d 2 or 3 y[ea]rs ago) n[ea]r Pont de Gibaud - B[u]t
‘the coal-mine of Firminy, n[ea]r S[ain]t Etienne, astonish[e]d me m[o]st – It is exact[l]y like a comm[o]n
‘st[one] quarry, (open to the day, and work[e]d in the sa[me] way) b[u]t the rock is coal of excell[en]t qual[it]y –
‘It is on[l]y 3 y[ea]rs th[a]t it h[a]s been work[e]d in th[i]s way, and is the on[l]y coal-mine kn[o]wn of the kind –
‘the miners at the silv[e]r mine were chief[l]y Germans – Be the gov[ernmen]t wh[a]t it may, I nev[e]r saw
‘so gr[ea]t an app[earan]ce of improvem[en]t and prosper[it]y in the count[r]y – the Ă©coles des mines ha[ve] done an
‘infin[it]y of good to the mining int[ere]sts of the count[r]y’ - din[e]d w[i]th L[ad]y CL- [Charlotte Lindsay] and the Berrys – ‘and w[a]s deligth[e]d w[i]th my
‘vis[i]t – all were in good sp[iri]ts, and were ver[y] agreeab[le], and k[i]nd – I h[a]d nev[e]r seen so m[u]ch of L[ad]y Charl[otte]’
(Lindsay) ‘who says th[in]gs so nice[l]y, and wh[o]se man[ner]s are so interest[in]g, she made qui[te] an impress[io]n
‘up[on] me – Miss Berry is really wond[er]ful – Thank you ver[y] m[u]ch for giv[in]g me th[ei]r addr[ess] – I w[a]s
‘qui[te] gl[a]d to improve so nice an acquaint[an]ce - unexpect[e]d pleas[ure] to see L[or]d St[uar]t – ‘wh[a]t
‘an enviab[le] tour in Norway! I wish a [I] knew a lit[tle] mo[re] ab[ou]t it – If I live, I mean to go
‘th[e]re one of th[e]se days – my a[un]t, as to gen[era]l health, is m[u]ch the sa[me] as when I left h[e]r - b[u]t she
‘suffers a martyrd[o]m fr[om] rheumat[i]c pains; and her medic[a]l men fear she can[no]t long survive
‘the wint[e]r – I enclose a lit[tle] no[te] for Charlotte - Bel[ieve] me, d[ea]r L[ad]y St[uar]t, alw[a]ys ver[y] truly y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’
th[e]n wr[ote] on 1/4 sh[ee]t the foll[owin]g ‘Shibd[e]n hall - Mon[day] 15 Oct[obe]r 1834. My d[ea]r Charlotte – I s[e]nd you a ver[y] lit[lte] no[te], the herald
of a ver[y] lit[tle] parc[e]l, w[hi]ch Miss Berry w[a]s so good as prom[ise] to bring fr[om] Paris – I told L[ad]y St[uar]t, it w[a]s for you –
‘I alw[a]ys th[ou]ght of giv[in]g you so[me] sm[all] rememb[ran]ce on y[ou]r entrĂ©e int[o] the gr[ea]t world – I wish[e]d it to be so[me]th[in]g useful,
‘and on[l]y hope I ha[ve] chos[e]n well, and th[a]t you will like the watch for its own sake, and for mine – I hope you
‘are all enjoy[in]g yours[elf], and look[in]g qui[te] rosy and well at Highcliffe – I sh[oul]d n[o]t kno[w] it ag[ai]n – If you still
‘hunt for fossils, and care as m[u]ch as ev[e]r for the collect[io]n, you can fancy how disap[pointe]d I w[a]s to f[i]nd, on
‘reach[in]g here, th[a]t all my fine specimens fr[om] Auvergne silv[e]r-mines, and man[y] oth[e]rs th[a]t were pack[e]d
‘in the carr[ia]ge tool-box, were lost in Lond[on], thrown away as lumber, I suppo[se], by the c[oa]chmakers’ men, who th[ou]ght
‘antiattrit[io]n better worth – I oft[e]n th[ou]ght of you among the high alps of Savoy, and wish[e]d you were w[i]th me –
‘wh[a]t sketch[in]g for Louisa! Gi[ve] my love to h[e]r – I shall alw[a]ys feel ver[y] m[u]ch interest[e]d for you both; and
‘bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Charlotte, y[ou]r ver[y] sincere and affect[iona]te fr[ie]nd A. [Anne] Lister – my kind rememb[rance]s to Miss Hyriott’ –
w[e]nt d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 11 1/4 and s[e]nt off th[e]n by Geo[rge] my let[ter] to ‘Mrs. Lawton the Rev[eren]d M. Miller’s Scarborough’ –
br[eak]f[a]st – Mr. Parker s[e]nt the lease of ‘Lidgit’ to Mr. Lamplengh Wickham Hird for A- [Adney] to r[ea]d ov[e]r – she r[ea]d it al[ou]d to me –
the game reserv[e]d as in my leases - on[l]y allow[e]d to ha[ve] 7DW. und[e]r plough – penalty £10 p[e]r DW. - n[o]t to cut or
prune timb[e]r – 34DW. - n[o]t to und[er]let exc[ept] w[i]th writ[ten] leave – Rent £100, term 10 y[ea]rs – asleep 1/2 h[ou]r – at my desk at 1 5/..
wr[ote] my no[te] to C. St[uar]t and at 2 1/2 h[a]d writ[ten] so far of today, and h[a]d fold[e]d and seal[e]d up in envelope my no[te]
4 p[ages] of 1/2 sh[ee]t to ‘The Lady St[uar]t de Rothesay’ enclos[in]g in the sa[me] my no[te] to ‘the hon[oura]ble Miss Stuar]t’
and enclo[e]d th[e]se and my no[te] to ‘The hon[oura]ble L[ad]y St[uar]t Whitehall’ und[e]rcov[e]r to ‘Lord St[uar]t de Rothesay
3 Carlt[o]n h[ou]se terrace London’ – s[e]nt the ab[ov]e let[ter]s at 7 p.m. by Geo[rge] – A- [Adney] and I out at 2 3/4
to Brearley hill to meet Holt ab[ou]t gett[in]g wat[e]r for John Bott[omle]y and ab[ou]t sink[in]g pit to enab[le] me
to look aft[e]r Mr. Rawson – gett[in]g the wat[e]r will cost ab[ou]t £16 to £20 sink[in]g and driv[in]g at 3/. to 3/6 p[e]r y[ar]d
ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds – ord[ere]d th[i]s job to be advertis[e]d next week for lett[in]g as als[o] the pit sink[in]g – H- [Holt] th[in]ks
the pit will cost ab[ou]t 40/. p[e]r y[ar]d sink[in]g ab[ou]t 100 y[ar]ds deep to the low[e]r bed – saw the place n[ea]r the
upp[e]r gateway just ab[ov]e Conery wood in the Park farm well f[iel]d – w[i]th a sm[all] fire engine m[i]ght
get coal th[e]re for man[y] y[ea]rs – eas[il]y road[e]d al[on]g the f[ee]t of Bairstow, out just bel[ow] Whiskum cot[tage]
int[o] the new bank to H[alifa]x – pit to be oblong 8ft. x 5.4 .:. ab[ou]t n[o]t qui[te] s[ai]d S. W. [Samuel Washington] tonight, 5 sq[uare]
y[ar]ds stuff will co[me] out at each y[ar]d depth of sink[in]g – 5 x 100 = 500 y[ar]ds of stuff cart[in]g d[o]wn
to the f[ee]t of the wall oppos[i]te the h[ou]se = ab[ou]t £20 – the wat[e]r of dirt band (36 y[ar]ds band) and four-
-score y[ar]ds band to be gath[ere]d up in sink[in]g and turn[e]d the conery clough separ[atel]y or n[o]t to the h[ou]se –
H- [Holt] s[ai]d the coal w[oul]d sell at 8d. at the pits’ m[ou]th – and [no] turnip[ke] to H[alifa]x w[oul]d ma[ke] a penny
a load diff[eren]ce – Rawson sells at 9 1/2d. in the town – we sh[oul]d sell at 9d. – w[oul]d av[era]ge 5 1/2 corves
or loads p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d – 20 loads or one score w[oul]d sell for 13/4 at the pits mouth –
 gett[in]g  .   .                             4.6        13.4 – 8 = 5/4                                        say 1s.3d. p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d profit .:.
pull[in]g and bank[in]g              2.6      
                                                              say 3d. p[e]r load profit                          1 ac[re] or 4840 y[ar]ds = £242+ £60.10s.0d.
Tools                                          1.0      
Taxes                                          8.0     or 1/4 1/2 p[e]r sq[uare] y[ar]d profit                                              = £302 p[e]r ac[re]
 fr[om] Brearley hill A- [Adney] met me at Whiskum cot[tage] – th[e]nce d[o]wn the o[ld] b[ank] to H[alifa]x to the Bowling
foundry for fire-grates for n[or]th parl[ou]r n[or]th ch[ambe]r and tentr[oo]m – th[e]n to Miss Hebden’s – good acc[oun]t
of Charlotte Booth – th[e]n to Whitley’s – br[ou]ght ho[me] vol[ume] 3 [octavo] Lyell’s geol[og]y and Busby’s Journ[a]l am[on]g
the viney[ar]ds of Spain and Portug[a]l – and pamphl[e]t by Jo[h]n Travers on the Tea duties – th[e]n to Thorps’
ab[ou]t acorns and plant[in]g sett[in]g Bairstow w[i]th th[e]m – ho[me] up t he o[ld] b[ank] at 6 55/.. – din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] – h[a]d
Washington – noth[in]g to be made of Mrs. Machin ab[ou]t the sale of h[e]r 11DW. of coal – b[u]t
W- [Washington] told he w[oul]d call ag[ai]n on Sat[urday] – A- [Adney] and I sat talk[in]g and read[in]g the newspap[e]r Geo[rge] br[ou]ght
b[a]ck th[i]s ev[enin]g – w[i]th my a[un]t fr[om] 9 3/4 to 10 3/4 – wr[ote] all b[u]t the 3 first lines of th[i]s p[age] till 11 1/2 p.m.
at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 59 1/2° in my study – ver[y] fine day – no[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n Heath to say the front pew in the north gall[er]y nearest to the west gall[er]y was at lib[ert]y rent 1 guin[ea] a y[ea]r
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happy-freeconfused-lonely · 4 years ago
@taylorswift @taylornation You should really look into what ticket sellers around the world are doing with your tickets. Brazilian company t4f won't refund ticket holders because of a decree by that terrible president of theirs. They even translated your cancelation message and ignored the part about refunds because they haven't made them available months ago and they are not going to now. They plan on giving us credits to use for another show. Not only are we not interested in that but lots of people could really use the money rn. On top of that, since it was going to be the first and ONLY real show in Latin America (you should really fix that next tour) there were fans traveling from all over. I'm from Argentina, there's no way I'm traveling for anyone other than you so I'd be giving away the money I spent on my ticket (a lot btw, even if I got basically nosebleeds) to this awful company. I read Billie Eilish's team made her Brazilian promoter give refunds, please consider doing that, we'd really appreciate it 💕
Era obvio que iba a cancelar el tour pero I'm sad. También era obvio que t4f no iba a querer devolver la plata pero estoy indignada igual.
1 Ese tweet de mierda diciendo que devolver la plata es una locura porque el sector del entretenimiento fue golpeado muy fuerte por la pandemia y blah blah blah. La gente que comprĂł la entrada donde piensan que vive? La pandemia afecta a literalmente todo el mundo.
2 El mensaje de Taylor hablaba de refunds y casualmente se olvidaron de traducir esa parte al portuguĂ©s, quĂ© raro no? Me molesta que ademĂĄs parezca que Taylor y su equipo, quien sea que escribiĂł esa nota o le dio la info a ella para que lo hiciera, no sabe que si tenĂ­as tickets para Brasil (y BerlĂ­n creo y no sĂ© si algĂșn lugar mĂĄs) no estaban ofreciendo refunds.
3 Me re sirve tener créditos en una pågina de mierda de otro país para recitales que no se sabe cuåndo van a poder ser (y cuånto van a salir? Hola, latinoamerica here, considera el precio en dolares mínimo para que mantenga el valor). Vivo en Buenos Aires, por suerte NUNCA tengo que viajar para recitales. Solo por Taylor. Si realmente no nos dan bola y nos dan créditos voy a tratar de pasårselos a alguien de SP de alguna manera si se puede? Que se usen y no sea plata que le quede a esa empresa de mierda de regalo.
4 Encima nombrar como opción cambiar Taylor por el Lolla justo, que para mi o se va a volver a postponer o se rinden y lo cancelan. Ademås me trae recuerdo de cuando cancelaron el tercer día acå y sin hacer NADA me devolvieron 1/3 de lo que pagué a la tarjeta y enseguida. Una amiga había comprado por puntos de un banco y hasta a ella le devolvieron 1/3 de los puntos que había gastado. La diferencia con esta basura me indigna.
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taylorlovertour · 6 years ago
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It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipster
 and make fun of our exes, uh uh uh
 Well, I don’t have any exes
 Single since birth here
 But hey, not a lot going on with my love life and my life
 Only exciting thing coming on in my life is queen of my heart’s @taylorswift REPUTATION Stadium Tour <3 Been waiting since December of 2017
 Insane hey!? Not to mention I got my repTicket on her 28thBirthday
 ICONIC. Speaking of Iconic, today marks 22 days before #repTourPerth 
 and I made this blog/postings very special by wearing the repTour shirt and A4 ‘22’ inspired signage’s I made at work
 Yes, at work
 my workplace is very supportive of me
 They call me Mr. Taylor
 or Swiftie
 and I couldn’t ask for a better workplace. Everyone embraces my love for Tay. They supports me in every way. And they are so excited for me to finally see Tay in concert, for the very first time. I don’t know about you
 But I’ve been always wanted to watch Tay’s concert, but due to strict parents, financial problems, and studies (middle, high school, and uni) I never had a chance to watch her previews era’s. Nevertheless, I always make sure to watch her previous concerts (Fearless, Speak Now, Red, and 1989) by buying blu-rays, checking YouTube for RED, and itunes for 1989 world tour. Have no idea how I love and STAN Tay
 She’s been part of my life since I was in middle school, throughout graduating High school and university. Just like every swifties, I would love to meet her. I wanted to thank her with all my heart
 My chances of meeting her is very low, I mean, I don’t want to put myself down, but I feel like that’s the fact. However, I won’t stop dreaming and believing that one day in my wildest dreams, I’ll get to give her a hug and thank her for writing meaningful, and heart touching music/songs that has truly help myself and the rest of the world, specially her long-time listeners
 every swifties in this world. Indeed, I have never been into any relationship in my life, but I did feel the being in love, rejected, and used. Her songs also helped me in other ways, it motivated me to become a better person. It thought me that everyone is created differently, that I have to be more confident with myself and many more
 If Tay’s reading this or if you’re reading this, thank you for staying, taking time to read my post. <3 Also, a toast for reputation’s successful tour in USA, and Europe
 Australian and Kiwi’s waiting and totally ready for repTour
 and not to mention Japanese swifties waiting in Tokyo, Japan. See you on 19thof October
 I’ll be shaking it off, dancing with my ‘swiftie’ dress, and singing on the top of my lungs with other swifties at the centre Snake Pit (SP 2). See you very soon Tay, and @taylornation 
 Swiftie from Darwin, Northern Territory Australia
 flying 1,628 miles, like a jet stream, high above the whole scene... <3 <3 <3 - Marius 
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lastchristmas · 1 year ago
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you kiss me and it stops time, and I'm yours but you're not mine...
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year ago
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ana’s family is in attendance tonight (eras tour são paulo n3 on november 26, 2023)
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always-rolling-my-eyes · 1 year ago
She’s a comedian 😂
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makinomariasama · 6 years ago
Translation: Blog Post: December 21st, 2018
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
Disney Ralph Breaks The Internet
It comes out today, December 21st
I want to meet Vanellope soon I'm waiting, okay From Maria
And... When I got to the office the other day.
Addressed to Morning Musume '18's Makino Maria It said WALT DISNEY on the envelope, and Mickey was on it
It's like a dream *** A Christmas present from Disney Maria thought.
Truly, thank you very much.
Happy Holidays
LOVE <3 Maria
Good evening. This is Maria.
Today, I did a radio recording. Morning Musume '18 no Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~ Radio Japan / Gifu Chan Every Saturday from 12am~12:30am
Definitely listen to it okay â™Ș
We did Winter Hello rehearsals. Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2019 WINTER
Please come, okay *
<3 Miyazaki Yuka-san<3 She announced that at the end of the 2019 spring live tour, he'll be graduating from Juice=Juice and Hello! Project.
Today too, before the rehearsal started, "Maria-chan, I saw the news today!" Miyazaki-san said to me :) She was talking about the article of my photobook announcement. Maria was happy :) Miyazaki-san always comes over to talk to me and calls me "Maria-chan" or "Marian <3 LOVE Rin" <3
When I was a Hello Pro Kenshuusei, I watched Juice=Juice's Miyazaki-san closely. She was really kind, she was nice to everyone, and Miyazaki-san was very cute so.... I'm sad. At the Hello Con, I'll be on stage with her, and I'll spend time iwth her, I'll treasure those times.
Today too, Miyazaki-san was cute <3 She'll be cute tomorrow too <3 <3
To be continued
Morning Musume '19 Makino Maria Photobook * "María 18 años" * It goes on sale on February 2nd, 2019 https://www.wani.co.jp/sp/event.php?id=6116
Wani Books decided to release this new photobook on my 18th birthday <3 Thank you very much.
Those who are cheering for me, Maria is super happy that you're happy about the release of "María 18 años"
Release Fair Information This time, to celebrate the release of Morning Musume '19 Makino Maria Photobook "María 18 años", there will be limited benefits!!
[Stores] Wani Mail Order: 1 L size photo and 100 books signed as a lottery https://wani-special-edition.com/products/detail/81910GcH3-00
* The follow online stores will be accepting orders starting on December 22nd, 2018 at midnight Amazon: Limited cover (It won't come with the normal cover) https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4847081927
Seven Net: 1 L size photo https://7net.omni7.jp/detail/1106950361
Rakuten Books: 1 L size photo http://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/15751600/
Tower Online: 1 L size photo https://tower.jp/item/4844109
HMV&BOOKS online: 1 L size photo https://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/9458233
* It's scheduled to go up at each store at midnight, but there might be a lag depending on the store. Please be aware of that in advance.
Secert off shots and stories from the shoot They'll continue soon :)
Look forward to it okay *
Morning Musume '18 Makino Maria
Morning Musume '18 Makino Maria Birthday Event
February 4th, 2019 at Yamano Hall
Please come by all means
A new era (time) will be built â™Ș ...So!! Look forward to it â™Șâ™Șâ™Ș
xoxo Gossip Girl
I hope there's lots of fun and happiness tomorrow too
* Makino Maria *
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oxyuniverse-blog · 6 years ago
FITA tour / setembro.2018
OlĂĄ :)
NĂłs da Oxy resolvemos escrever sobre nossa experiĂȘncia nesse inĂ­cio da tour do FITA, ĂĄlbum que lançamos em junho de 2018. Viajar Ă© necessĂĄrio por vĂĄrias razĂ”es, tanto no aspecto filosĂłfico quanto no aspecto logĂ­stico da coisa(banda). Se vocĂȘ quiser que as pessoas te assistam ao vivo, Ă© isso. Acho que nem precisamos entrar no mĂ©rito da necessidade/função, atĂ© porque entrarĂ­amos numa discussĂŁo lascada sobre a utilidade de coisas que nĂŁo necessariamente precisam ser/ou sĂŁo Ășteis, como arte.
Fechamos uma data em SĂŁo Paulo com o Gerson da Early Morning Sky e a partir disso traçamos outros destinos. Passamos por, na ordem, SĂŁo Paulo, Mogi das Cruzes e Sorocaba - em SĂŁo Paulo -, e Juiz de Fora, SĂŁo JoĂŁo Del Rei e Betim, em Minas Gerais. 100% da ideia da tour foi baseada nas experiĂȘncias que vĂĄrias bandas brasileiras jĂĄ tiveram, e fazem, o tempo todo. NĂŁo espere ver nada inovador no relato haha Ă© mais uma troca de experiĂȘncias, e um incentivo pra quem tem vontade de fazer. Acho que ano passado eu e o Blandu lemos sobre a turnĂȘ Sem Sair na Rolling Stones do Vitor Brauer e parcerias, e inicialmente, nos baseamos na experiĂȘncia dele pra compor a nossa. SaĂ­mos de BrasĂ­lia no dia 05 de setembro com o dinheiro da gasosa de todo o trajeto da tour, ida e volta. Alimentação foi por nossa conta. O que arrecadarĂ­amos de cachĂȘ nos shows e da venda de merchan, cobriria os valores investidos na gasolina, e depois disso, seria nosso lucro.
SĂŁo Paulo: Tocamos por Ășltimo com The Dead Suns(RJ) e Early Morning Sky(SP). Como foi no Espaço Presidenta, na Augusta, tinha muito gente sĂł pelo rolĂȘ. A rotatividade da casa era grande e tinha uma galera assistindo o show, mesmo que tenha sido no pico da madrugada. O som tava massa, mas era melhor de ouvir no fundo da casa, por uma questĂŁo de distribuição de caixas de som do local mesmo. Tirando isso, bom show pra gente. PĂșblico paulista exigente e atencioso. Ficamos hospedados em um Air BNB que nĂłs mesmo alugamos. Agradecimento especial ao Gerson que fez tudo acontecer.
Mogi das Cruzes: Tocamos com a Alles Club e mais uma banda de Mogi no Digi Club. InteriorzĂŁo de SP, cidade vazia, pĂșblico pequeno, ensaio aberto. Som tava bom. Ponto alto da noite foram alguns covers de umas bandas daqui de BrasĂ­lia dos anos 80 que a Ășltima banda da noite tocou hehe NĂŁo sabĂ­amos onde enfiar a cabeça. Voltamos pra SĂŁo Paulo logo depois do show, uma parte da estrada era meio sinistra, com neblina, por ser de madrugada, mas tranquila. Primeira vez tocando com a Alles, lindo demais o show deles.
Sorocaba: Tocamos com a Alles Club e Ana Paula na Maloca, produzido pela galera da Lobotomia. Chegamos pra passar som no meio da tarde. O lugar Ă© lindo, a equipe tambĂ©m. Fomos tratados super bem, o som tava massa, showzao. Casa nĂŁo tava lotada mas o pĂșblico era atencioso. Algumas pessoas cantando nossas mĂșsicas. Nos sentimos acolhidos e respeitados. Lindo. Os caras do WRY apareceram pra ver nosso show, nos sentimos honrados. Dormimos por lĂĄ na casa do Thiago, fotĂłgrafo da Lobotomia. RolezĂŁo com pizza no final, colchĂŁo de ar furado no meio da noite, saindo cedo pra viajar pra SĂŁo JoĂŁo Del Rei, onde descansamos atĂ© a quinta-feira. Agradecimento especial ao Bruno Fontes da Justine Never the Rules que fez tudo acontecer. <3
Juiz de Fora: Quinta-feira, novamente com a galera da Alles, no Maquinaria. O lugar Ă© bem massa, um studio aberto, apertado. PĂșblico pequeno, alguns interessados, outros pelo rolĂȘ, outra parte pequena jĂĄ conhecia a Oxy. O espaço faz gravação da live se vocĂȘ pedir. Dormimos por lĂĄ, em colchĂ”es de ar, num espaço cedido pelo dono da Maquinaria. Recebemos pĂŁo de queijo e rosquinha de manhĂŁ. Nosso contato foi a LuĂ­sa do Maquinaria que tratou a gente super bem.
SĂŁo JoĂŁo Del Rei: Tocamos no Grooves Bar com a Cpt. Lopes and The Crazy Toads. NĂŁo esperĂĄvamos, mas a casa lotou, o pĂșblico Ă© animado, atencioso, vendemos algumas camisas, foi louco! Agradecimento mais que especial pro Igor Monteiro da Cpt. Lopes e da Rapadura Records que fez tudo acontecer. Foi lindo. No final teve um cara que perguntou se a gente curtia Slowdive, valeu a pena. Agradecimento mais que especial Ă  famĂ­lia da Sara que nos acolheu de braços abertos ao lado de uma paisagem linda e silenciosa.
Betim: Tocamos no PorĂŁo Rock Bar com a MĂ­ĂȘta. EstĂĄvamos ansiosos por esse show porque a MiĂȘta foi inspiração pra gente em vĂĄrios aspectos, somos fĂŁs. Casa vazia, um pĂșblico pequeno de 5 pessoas interessadas no inĂ­co, problemas com microfonia durante o show. Animou mais lĂĄ pela terceira mĂșsica que a galera da MiĂȘta saiu de uma entrevista no bar mesmo pra assistir. Resumindo, foi massa! Logo depois elas tocaram e mano, QUE SHOW. Vou nem falar muito pra guardar. Como foi nosso Ășltimo show da tour estĂĄvamos muito cansados. Dormimos logo depois na casa da Bruna da MiĂȘta. Nunca agradeci tanto por um banheiro limpo. Talvez o primeiro banheiro limpo da tour. Risos. Acordamos por volta das 10:30h e viemos pra BrasĂ­lia. A Bruna nos recebeu maravilhosamente bem. Quase que nĂŁo fomos embora. Nosso contato desde inĂ­cio foi com a Enne, pelo nosso instagram. Quase nĂŁo rolou mas ela nĂŁo desistiu de arranjar um lugar. A Poliana que tomou a frente no PorĂŁo Rock Bar tambĂ©m nos tratou super bem. Foi um show super significativo pra gente.
Chegamos em Brasília no domingo pra jå tocar no Calaf a noite. Pelo horårio que chegamos não conseguimos passar som cedo. O show foi um desastre. Não pelo nosso cansaço, mas pelo técnico de som. Publico pequeno, fiel da Oxy, valeu. <3
Grande parte da viagem foi como a gente tinha imaginado, e como jå tínhamos escutado outras bandas falarem muitas e muitas vezes. Dormindo enquanto podíamos, comendo enquanto podíamos, e usando um bom banheiro enquanto podíamos(chorando de felicidade quando tinha um). Muito cansaço, mas ao mesmo tempo muita felicidade de cair na estrada. A estrada de Brasília pra São Paulo é muito boa, e as de Minas Gerais, apesar das curvas, são lindas de morrer. Rimos muito e nos aguentamos até o fim, ou meio que aguentamos. Hahaha Aprendemos muito com a estrada, com as bandas, com os locais, e estamos ansiosos pra fazer de novo.
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myeoncoeur · 3 years ago
Welcome back! Don't worry at all. Secret santis are supposed to be a reason for a smile, so I'm here to make that happen. Take all the time you need.
Yes!!! Dae is my wrecker since forever and ever. Hehehe I mean I was EXO-M biased Luhan biased but Dae was there always to snatch my hair and say I'm here too you see 😉 then the story went on when they released Overdose and I absolutely forgot who anyone was and could only focus on that blonde bunny saying come here I'm the one who's the rest, baby girl? Hehehehe killed me. So since then it's been his highness Junmyeon #1 but Minseokkie is doing a good job till the boys are back 😁
So so so hehehe, you're the goddess of gifs, like what am I in comparison I would never make you gifs because you're just THE BEST at them and you deserve the best... I'm going to challenge myself this time and get you something different because I cannot match your gif quality đŸ€­
Let's go!
What's your ult fav EXO concept?/Era
Fav song?
Fav Xiumin or Suho line? (I shall think of which lad later on muhahahaha)
Fav AU (not sure still if I'm doing a fic or something new completely)
P.S. OK Kun is a bit young for me but I absolutely adore that lil thing too... we have a type, missy 🙃
omg tysm,,,that’s so sweet of youđŸ„șđŸ„ș
you’ve been an exo-l since exo-m was around???? thats so cool!! i got into them in 2017 so i missed most of the peak exo eras which is kinda sad but i went back and listened to their older albums and watched variety shows (exo showtime was so much fun to watch especially the karaoke episode!!!) and really grew to like exo-m to the point where yixing actually became my biaswrecker for a while, even when he wasn’t promoting w/the exos. also luhan’s voice is absolutely angelic and somehow the exo-m versions of the songs always hit harder for me especially their ballads (no shade to exo-k i love them they’re absolutely amazing as well!!! luchen just have such beautiful and soothing ballad voices that i keep going back tođŸ˜©)
ahhhh yes, junmyeon in overdose is gorgeous af, the glorious blondemyeon era will never be forgotten😔 i really loved him in the bridge w/baeksoo towards the end, gosh that was just so. Good.
i’ve been tunnel visioning junmyeon since tempo era and when self portrait came out i was just so in LOVE like sp is such a real and raw take on his personality and artistic side and it’s just such a heartwarming album. i really enjoyed the promotions (his h4u!!!!so precious!!!!) especially bc of that interview where he said he thinks he’s not a special person just that he has a special job and like
how can you not love someone so sincere and humble like that sometimes i can’t believe he’s real UgHhHhH i could go on about junmyeon forever he’s such an amazing person
,,,,,goddess of gifs AJDBSJSH pLS my gifs are mediocre at best (but fr tysm ur so sweet đŸ„ș i’m so happy that you like them!!!) i’ll enjoy anything you get me regardless đŸ„ș😭i’m v v excited to see it!!
sooo for the questions:
1. aaa that’s a tough one! but i think my absolutely favorite era is obsession. the whole clones x-exo concept was too good (i wish we had that ot9
) and i mean we got red hair junmyeon with his tiddies out, that’s definitely a win in my book lmaooo
2. exo’s entire discography sjdjdj all of their albums go hard i don’t think i’ve ever disliked an exo song bUT my all time favorite is white noise it’s a whole bop and the deep house vibe is immaculate
3. fave xiumin line: HIS ENTIRE PART IN PAPER CUTS (i bawled listening to the one from the cbx magical circus tour,,,yeah)
fave suho line: HIS ENTIRE PART IN GROOVE (omg that song suits myeon’s voice so well it’s so satisfying to listen to)
4. hmm i really like futuristic sci fi/cyberpunk aus bc those are so unique and make for really interesting storylines (i always wanted to write android/robot aus theres so much good potential there) i also like fantasy/royalty aus quite a bit!
HNBHDDHDH QIAN KUN- i love that man he’s my wayv ult mayb even my nct ult altogether (sorry johnny ilyt) vocal genius, songwriting genius, producing genius, (that soundcloud is a goldmine) culinary genius, magician, not to mention HE CAN FLY A DAMN PLANE,,,like if perfection were a person it would be him also ngl he reminds me so much of junmyeon??? yeah we definitely have a type LMFAO🙈
again tysm for being so understanding and sweet, i’m having a lot of fun with this already😊 i can’t wait to talk more!
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